Top 15 Motivational quotes of all time

Top 15 Motivational quotes of all time

15. Motivational Quote

"As we look ahead into the next
Century, leaders will be those who
Empower others".
_Bill Gates
It's means that leaders are not those who think about themselves every time. But leaders are those who first think about their team,and their members. A real leader is one who make more leaders.

14.Motivational Quote

"Sometimes life is going to hit
You in the head with a brick.
Don't lose faith".-
- By  SteveJobs
It's means that the life is full of challenges and when you get a set back do not set! Just step back to bounce back. Be faithful towards your dreams and believe on yourself.

13. Motivational Quote

"Try not to become a man
Of success, but rather try to 
become a man of value"
By Albert Einstein
It's means that you can become a successful person if want but if you became a worthy full man and if you became a valuable person. Then success run towards you

12. Motivational Quote

"As a leader, it is
Important to not just 
See your own success,
But focus on the
Success of others"
By -Sundar pichai
It's mean that a real leader is not one who always think about themselves.
But a real leader is one who first think about their team.

11. Motivational Quote

"Wear your failure as 
A badge of honour"
By Sundar pichai
It's means that ~
When you fail is not mean you are a looser it's means that you got a step closer to your success. But you should wear your failure as a badge of honour

10. Motivational Quote

"If you want to see the 
Breve,look to those
who can return love .
If you want to see heroic
look to those who can
By Lord Krishna

9. Motivational Quote

"Stay Hungry, and
Stay Foolish."
By Steve Jobs

It's means that you have to continue the hunger of success to achieve something. And if you don't continue that hunger then you lose the spirit of achieving something.

8. Motivational Quote

"You can't make
 a good deal with
a bad person"

By- Warren Buffett
It's means that a negative people can change your positive Thoughts and you can't make a deal with any bad or negative guy. And if you do make a deal with negative people then you became a negative people.
So, stay far from negative people.

7. Motivational Quote

"Stay away from
negative people.
They have a problem for
every Solution"
By -  Albert Einstein
Stay away from negative's mean that the negative people are the problems of many solutions and they didn't allow you to think big and think Out Of The Box. So,stay away from negative people because they also make you a negative person

6. Motivational Quote

"The biggest risk
Is not taking any risk"

By-Mark Zuckerberg
The life is full of challenges and opportunities. And if you want success then you have to take risk.
And if you don't take any risk then it will be more difficult to reach the success.

5. Motivational Quote

"Today is hard, Tomorrow
Will be Worse,But the 
Day After Tomorrow will
Be Sunshine"

By- Jack Ma

4. Motivational Quote

"With the new day comes
new strength and new thoughts"

By- Eleanor Roosevelt
It's means that when the new day comes it brings new opportunities and new challenges.
And on this new day it bring new thoughts and new mindset.

3. Motivational Quote

"A winner is a dreamer
Who never gives up"
By -Nelson Mandela

2. Motivational Quote

"Mindset is What
Separate the Best from
The rest"

1. Motivational Quote

"If you spend too
Much time in thinking
about a thing. You will
never get it done"

By- Bruce Lee